THE NEW WATERSHED: A Fresh Look at the Hidden Opportunities in Urban Runoff
version 1.0
by Owen E. Dell
Condon, Patrick and Stacy Moriarty eds., Second Nature: Adapting LA’s Landscape for Sustainable Living, c. 1999, Tree People, Beverly Hills, CA. 116 pgs. (The story of the T.R.E.E.S. Project, a design charrette held in May, 1997 in Los Angeles, which gathered landscape architects, engineers, hydrologists and others to re-design 5 sites to improve their relationship with the watershed. Historic and useful to other communities.)
Hawken, Paul, L. Hunter Lovins, Amory Lovins, Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, c. 1999, Little, Brown & Co., Boston, MA. 395 pgs. (Ambitious and inspirational pioneering look at the future with great stories of good things that are being done right now.)
Robinette, Gary O., Water Conservation in Landscape Design and Management, c. 1984, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Inc., New York, NY. 260 pages. (Pioneering work; still useful. Out of print.)
The Sustainability Project, Santa Barbara County Green Building Guidelines, 2001, The Sustainability Project, Santa Barbara, CA. (Includes information on site planning, land use, landscaping and water conservation, including specific watershed-related information.)
Thompson, J. William & Kim Sorvig, Sustainable Landscape Construction: A Guide to Green Building Outdoors, c. 2000, Island Press, Washington D.C. & Covelo, CA. 348 pgs. (A superb, highly readable, practical guide to green landscape design, construction and management practices with a great deal of material on watershed issues.)