Natives on an Historic Site CLICK ON ANY IMAGE TO ENLARGE We enhanced the owner’s beautiful stonework and a lovely antique bowl (a giant wok, perhaps?) with an underplanting of native iris, island alum root, blue-eyed grass, and other perennials. These native iris are as lovely as any fancy hybrid. A river does run through it. Well, a good-sized stream anyway. We planted flannelbush, Ceanothus, and California poppy, to name a few. The slope above the riding arena is planted with manzanita, Ceanothus, island bush poppy, St. Catherine’s lace, Matilija poppy, sage, and a variety of native perennial and annual species. Here’s a closeup of Ceanothus in bloom. Colorful native shrubs, perennials, and annuals brighten the scene. More color. Another view of the arena area. This service road has the feel of a road out in the country. Well, actually it is. The old stagecoach stop has been a residence for decades. What’s that curly thing on the left? It’s an antique canoe from Asia, slowly returning to nature in a field of flowers. An old horse-drawn cart. All sorts of native color by the creek. Mexican tulip poppy. Not strictly native, but so lovely! BACK TO PROJECT PORTFOLIO